Tuesday, October 14, 2003

Mike Bohatch Image: Portal Guard. Original blurb.

The guard never ceases to loiter about...enclosing the light.
Hovering over the holes of my crux, simply out of spite.
Putrid flavors of blood have filled his watering mouth, too long.
He strives to keep me safe from harm...he keeps me calm.
He meant to decipher divinity from iniquity, but has forgotten how.

...Upon the shoulders of the sentinel within, my fears will lay.
...Those without ulterior motives, never try to reach in anyway.

Thought for the day: I hate people

"I was so relieved to see Davey Havok wearing a VnV Nation shirt, the other day on (insert show here). That means it's okay for me to like AFI then."


This is a little coffee shop stalker I have. Labels himself goth. Look's like one of Manson's rejects. Thick, thick, thick....black eye makeup and lipstck. Smells to high heaven. Thinks he has some kind of image or status to uphold. His entire obsession with me is based upon the color of my hair and my looks. He's a twit. I try so hard not to be mean, but it is REALLY hard. He wants to get the word "vanity" tattooed on his chest backwards, so he can read it in the mirror. Ugh. Worry about taking a god damn shower.

Anyway, back to my original point. He's a twit. I can't stand people like that. Tired of everyone trying to prove how goth or punk they are and disprove everyone else. Did you all forget the fucking point of subcultures to begin with? Acceptance. You hate everyone that doesn't look like you or think like you. Good job. Who cares? I can get down with anyone's ideas, beliefs, etc....so long as they are not a.) shoving them down my throat b.) intelligent enough to make sense.

Get a clue. Like what you like, because you like it. Wear what you like, because you like it. Listen to what you like, because you like it. Fuck the trends. Screw everyone else. Be yourself. Stop trying to be something you're not. Stop trying to fit the stereotype, then bitch about being stereotyped. Figure out what your thing is, do it and be comfortable with it. We get one life, live it. If you don't know, take the time to figure it out and get to know yourself. You'll probably be much happier. Educate yourself and get some fucking substance. Most importantly, think before you speak. Trust me, you need to.

P.s. I'm aware of my irony.

-end rant-