Tuesday, December 23, 2003

Logically Illogical

Butterflies and smiles.
          Your kiss killed the pain.
Rainbow skies across miles.
          Your touch stopped the rain.
Hopscotch and jump rope.
          You called out the little girl in me.
Sunshine and resurrected hope.
          You took away the lonely.

Passion and lust.
          Insane with a single kiss.
Love and trust.
          I felt it in your fingertips.
Fantasy and reality.
          You summon the mistress within.
Hopes and dreams.
          I share your vivid visions.

Candid and caring.
          Seems unbelievable.
Close without scaring.
          It never happens so.
Affection and devotion.
          I don't recall the last.
Satisfaction an emotion.
          Warm the cold of the past.

Right now and here.
          I sit in a daze.
Instilled with fear.
          You beat the maze.
Terrified and hesitant.
          Too good to be true.
Nagging cognizant.
          Death by you.

Homicide and desolation.
          If it not be.
Loathing and destruction.
          Created by me.
Falling and fading.
          So difficult to restrain.
Heart...are you listening?
          It's vital you overpower brain