Saturday, August 9, 2003

Truth rant

Do you ever think about how the world would be, if people were absolutely unable to lie? (right...Liar Liar...I know).

Really though....can you even begin to fathom the idea of being able to trust every single person one hundred percent, without a single doubt in your head?

Ever wonder how many people, all around the world, have some type of trust issue? Millions...I'm sure. Relationships...any and every type...should be built upon trust. But, how can you trust, when the person you've dated for three years, cheats on you? Or when the one you've known for 10 years or so, that you call your best friend, hurts you in the most unexpected way? Maybe when your own blood...your own family...keeps secrets and tells lies? What about the couple that has been married for 35 years...when one of them snaps, out of the blue....and just murders the other?

If the closest people to you are capable of hurting you (emotionally or physically) through lies, deceitful actions or suddenly flipping a switch...then how the hell are you supposed to trust anyone?!

Such poor examples of love, all around, so often.
Love based on lies?
I don't even want my jobs based on lies and I hate those.
Count me out...I want nothing to do with it.

Right, right....I know....white lies to protect people's feelings. I've done it too. I try to keep it as minimal as possible and only ever when the truth really will do more damage than good....both short and long term. Ninety nine percent of the time,, lying is simply a form of selfishness. The majority is not the protective white lie. People lie, out of fear, to avoid consequences of the truth. Here's an idea...if you have to lie about it....don't do it. Think, before you act or speak. Question whether or not, what you're lying about, is worth losing who you're lying to. Pretty simple, really.

Am I crazy? Is it just me? The truth stings sometimes, but a lie fucking burns. I'd rather hear the truth, always, no matter how ugly.

So many people even lie to themselves. I'm totally guilty of that. The difference there though is, you actually know better. Only the psychotic ones, actually believe their own lies. I like blunt honesty; I think society could greatly benefit from it. However, with so much egocentricity, that might just make our world a bigger war zone.

If humans were incapable of lying...could you bare to hear the truth...would you even want to?

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