Thursday, July 16, 2015

Lesson Learned

          The papers were signed that day; close to two years after I walked out. It was the best decision I ever made. It was the shock...of the sympathy felt, rather than the highly anticipated celebration. More like a funeral, than a party. Certainly, not a doubt. Merely a reflection, as I laid it to rest. I had long since grieved the lost investment of a failed marriage, and the acceptance of being alone. I've always been the type of person that wears their scars exposed, with pride. Each scar is a lesson learned and a battle fought.

Oddly, I have a special appreciation for this one. The ugliest and most visible one. The last lesson in self actualization and self worth. Ridding the toxicity, to find a better me. Learning how to be happy alone, and love myself again. I don't believe for a second, that any of it was anything but, exactly what it was meant to be. Demolition; to make way for a perfect foundation with a smooth, paved path. One which led me right into the arms of a man, whom within, I found everything I've been searching for. Only then, did I realize this: stumbling upon a destination, without the journey, is like being told the answer to a question you've never asked. In that moment, everything made sense. I've never been so thankful for a lesson learned.