Thursday, March 22, 2001

Irretrievable Love

In the solitude of sunless days, I swear your voice still falls upon my ears.
Your image burns endlessly in my mind.
At times, I am left sleepless, drowning myself in memories of what used to be.
In my dreams, thoughts of you float, night after night.
Many times, I awake in excitement and anticipation to see your face...feel your touch.
As my mind slips back into reality and my heart calms, I see that I am without you.
I look around only to find myself in an empty bed of loneliness.

My life, my love for so long...gone...gone.

By choice, I sent you away, then why do I miss you so?
Why do I feel there to be a void in my soul, a vacancy in my heart?
Almost perfect you were my love, no one quite like you have I ever met.
Forever it seems, we held on tight, fighting to save our love.
Yet, my deceitful ways and your domination over me sabotaged it.
I miss you deeply darling and you will always be in my heart, but never again can our hearts be together.

Tuesday, March 20, 2001


Up late again mom?
Can’t sleep?
What troubles you?
Weight of your dilemmas to heavy?
Seeing yourself fall into financial ruin once again?

It’s not your fault.
You were swindled twice; daddy and the ex.
Everything will be okay.
This guy is great and he loves you.
We’ve been through worse, things will get better again.

Worried about me?
Think you failed?
Feel you can’t support me well enough?
Concerned about my future?
Don’t want me to follow in your footsteps?

Don’t worry mom, I’ll be just fine.
You have never failed me.
You have always done your best.
I don’t despise you, I admire you.
I love you.