Monday, August 26, 2002

Dressings of Expression

In a daze, staring at naked paper once again.
Wanting to clothe it with emotions, tailored in black ink.
Scatter brained, I cannot make my thoughts coincide.

You approach the entryway of my mind and situate yourself on the outside.
You will not get through the barriers I have built for the past ten years.
Never again will my heart control my mind when your fatherless essence draws near.
My hand will not play translator for the two any longer.

Still I sit with a blank gaze, tying to pour out feelings trapped within me.
Why am I incapable of smothering a lifeless tree with meaningful expression?
Empty headed, I reach for a time when I was entirely content with life.

Days of being young and naive come back to me.
Games our juvenile minds' created to fill the sunlight hours.
We imagined growing up together and staying friends forever.
Children are so innocently simplistic, they believe in only the best of everything.

My eyes fall out of focus as the words begin to dance in a murky haze.
Delusion creates a harmonious piece of work, yet its ambiance is vacant.
I cannot set my sight on any one particular notion.

Thoughts of the one gone astray and various heartaches flash before my heavy eyes.
I would take my last breath to consume the sensations of love once again.
I come by only those who inflict pain and hide behind false faces.
All the pain has weathered, yet still I weep in waiting for the one I cannot find.

Exhausted now, concentration slips through the grasp of my feeble fist.
Hours of darkness hush as daybreak screams out for me to pursue slumber.
My frustration subsides...just as adequately as this canvas is dressed...I can rest.

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