Saturday, November 22, 2003

Magnum Opus

Painter's hands.
Lover's eyes.
Something amazing
hidden inside.
Just a few hours
on the clock.
Grant them to me.
Curious to see
if my eyes deceive me.
So long since
I've felt this
hunger in the pit
of my stomach.
Churning, swirling.
You make me ache.
I see the passion
in your heart.
And art...
in your bones.
Reveal to me
your masterpiece.
And search for
my mysteries.

Friday, November 7, 2003

Shortfalls and Flaws

Hazel eyes said to mesmerize.
Could kill me, be the end of me.
Standing before her, filled with disgust.
Picking away at each flaw, no matter how small.
Not enough definition within her jaw.
Too much fat beneath the skin.
Her bottom lip swallows the top.
The fore of her head could afford to be a bit smaller.
Even so, the hairline sits too far back on the scalp.
Her nose should be slanted downward slightly further.
It really couldn’t hurt for her to be a touch taller either.
Glaring down upon her as if she were worthless.
She just stands there, staring back.
Primping, prodding, poking and pouting.
It's never's never perfect...nor will it be.
Trying so hide the flaws.
Fingers extend, pulling the hair into her face.
Burying herself in glitter, glimmer, glamor and gray.
Artless...not so...but mostly to hide and conceal herself.
Here, the only place her insecurities stripped naked and exposed.
How much she detests the mirror that hangs in her room.
A single tear cuts my cheek when I see her mouth, frame the phrase
..."You are me." 

Sunday, November 2, 2003

My Decree

I released my grasp tonight.
Ever ending the stride between you and I.
The emotional knot in my gut swings from a noosed rope.
Upon your excuses and lies, I will no longer choke.
I watch as my feelings for you slowly die.
Even the anger and resentment subside.
Closing my ears to your every word.
This time it's truly over; rest assured.

My eyes shall no longer shed razorblades for you.
Though I can only try to keep the words I write, from being crude.
For as dim as the light may become, I can't deny, the fire will forever reside.
At best, I must restrain the blazing flames from scorching my insides. are the reason I push so many away.
It is because of you, I cannot trust what they proclaim.

Tonight I placed my heart in an iron box.
Secured it tight with chains and locks.
I placed the box within a casket.
Buried it deep beneath the earth's gasket.
I find it be fitting there, in no man's land.
Far from the destruction of lover's hands.
Maybe one day someone will come along, holding the key.
Ready and willing to unearth the box and rescue me.