Saturday, October 12, 2002


I know all I need to; it is visible within your hesitance.
Your sudden coldness has robbed me of our intimate acquaintance.
Pain compels my innermost thoughts to await your divergence.
Still, animosity gives me strength to walk away without repentance.
I am finished with your ignorance and resistance.
Evidence exhibits the inept possibility of coexistence.
Exhausted by the thrashings of your indifference.
I am not senseless; I know the precedents of each pretense.
Release me from the awareness of your existence.
Assist me with your demise this instance.
I must acquire the distance of your every essence.
I wish not to be within inches of your malicious presence.
Though anger craves vengeance, it will come with reminiscence.
Retract all the emptiness you imposed and give me your silence.
Do not hound me any longer with your egocentric persistence.
Pitch your shit to another, I have lost all patience. 

Sunday, October 6, 2002

Empty Shell

His eccentricity disappeared tonight.
Heaved the mask from which he hid.
The one who stands before me is unrecognizable.
It cannot be my love, my friend; he could not be so morbid.

You disgust me, I did not fall for this...this...thing that meets my sight.
It was a unique and multifaceted soul that attained my adoration.
Sadly, I was misguided to trust I knew your true face after all these years.
Either you played a role in a show or your character took on alteration.

When remorse and empathy consume you, do not bother crying out.
Deaf to anything that slips through your crooked little teeth.
Reflect then, upon the shallow, inconceivable words you proclaimed.
So finicky, yet you do not deserve someone from even the lowest heath.

I guess I had you mistaken for someone else.
Someone who gave a damn about something besides himself.
You are but an empty shell of what I thought you to be.
All correlations have subsided; just offer me the absence of your petty self.

Thursday, October 3, 2002

Overlooked Spirit

We lay here beneath the sapphire sky, where our hearts are forever outspoken.
The moon illuminates the heavens perfectly, as does the glow of the fire upon your face.

Our eyes fix themselves upon the stars as we speak of theories and beliefs.
The fire calms, autumn chills bring me closer to your warmth.

Your eyes target mine while your lips move slightly...sound does not follow.
Hesitation allows silence to crash our conversation.

Do not say it...I know you, I know what you are thinking...please keep it to yourself.
Do not verbalize the feelings you sense tonight, because tomorrow they will vanish.

I know you are not in love with not ruin this night by questioning that.
There wouldn't be inquiries or doubts to ponder, if you loved me.

Your indecisive charades are more than just tearing me apart.
I am constantly sinking in the torment of you.

Oblivion must have stolen your sight, since the pain has painted itself upon my face.
You finish my sentences, yet are blind to all emotions exemplified towards you.

Do not look at me with such intensity; it only fills my heart with hope.
Do not come too close; I promise I will crumble in your hands.

You have no right to wonder why I am not in your arms tonight.
It is you, who continues to build the walls of your heart's fortress.

My soul lied within each attempt made to express my love for you.
Unappreciated efforts followed by unemotional reactions.

You wish to dismiss loneliness, yet love seems to be an unbearable hell.
I never knew the devil would give the world to see you smile.

Do not speak of sentiments now; it is much too late.
Do not reach for me now that I'm gone; I am too far away.

It is impossible; you just cannot love with one foot already outside the doorway.
Consequently, this passionate persona no longer holds vacancy for common tepid creatures.

I gave myself to you entirely, only to gain mirrored measures of disregard.
How heart wrenching it is to love someone so significantly, who feels nothing in return.

I cannot allow my overlooked spirit to revel in this non-existent romance any longer.
No more mazes or hurdles, at this moment, please know my love has been revoked.